
“Tiny forests”, los pop ups de la naturaleza en las grandes ciudades

“Tiny forests”, los pop ups de la naturaleza en las grandes ciudades

Hace unos días visité Utrecht por motivos laborales. Una de las tardes que allí pasé, estuve intentando refugiarme de las altas temperaturas de esta ola de calor con un paseo por la naturaleza. Permíteme que me ponga un poco bucólico en esta introducción, pero considero que el tono ayudará a que te pongas en situación: Es una cálida tarde de junio, y entre olmos y sauces, una urraca par…

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Dubai: thriving city for real estate market

Dubai: thriving city for real estate market

Why write about Dubai now? Surely this is one of the questions you may be asking yourself after reading the headline of the article. The answer is really simple and is based on two premises: 1. Real estate transactions have grown more than 300% during this month of January; 2. Dubai will be my new personal and professional destination. If you have not followed the evolution of Real Estate in this …

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New York, the return of a more resilient and strengthened city

New York, the return of a more resilient and strengthened city

The return of a more resilient and strengthened city

I don't know if you've read the article before this, in which I began by referring to the dinner shared with a couple from Barcelona who had been living in New York for more than fifteen years. "I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps, and realize that I am the king of the hill..." the great Frank Sinatra sang in reference to the Big Apple; those of us who have been to New York more than onc…

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From mega-regions to micro-households. Cities of the future

From mega-regions to micro-households. Cities of the future

Future Cities

A few days ago, a friend invited me to a dinner where we met another couple who had been living in New York for more than fifteen years: Miquel and Anaïs. Of course, much of the conversation revolved around their experience in this great city before drifting into common reflections on the development and transformation that cities faced once we left the pandemic behind. In fact, Miquel pointed ou…

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How the metro in Spain helped build a city

How the metro in Spain helped build a city

The largest underground rail transport network in continental Europe, the Madrid Metro, has transformed the life of Europe's third largest city. In 2020, the Madrid Metro celebrated a century of constant progress and expansion. Fancy discovering his story?   Alfonso XIII carried out some of the most ambitious urban renovation and development projects that his capital had ever experienced: The exp…

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Singapore and vertical green buildings

Singapore and vertical green buildings

Throughout history, the world's population has lived in general in rural areas. In the 19th century, at least 90% of the world's population lived in the countryside, while the urban population made up less than 10%. With the development of trade, people changed that lifestyle, drifting  into urban life as cities became nuclei  of  commerce. As industrial production became widespread, migration …

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“The Green City Accord” la iniciativa de la UE para ciudades más verdes y saludables

“The Green City Accord” la iniciativa de la UE para ciudades más verdes y saludables

Los retos medioambientales son una preocupación creciente para las ciudades europeas. La contaminación del aire es la principal causa de enfermedad y fallecimiento prematuro, la calidad de las masas de agua está bajo presión significativa y las aguas residuales todavía no se tratan correctamente en dos tercios de los estados miembros de la UE. En paralelo, la contaminación acústica incremen…

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REMOURBAN: Regeneración y digitalización urbana de las ciudades

REMOURBAN: Regeneración y digitalización urbana de las ciudades

¿Cómo pueden las ciudades aprovechar los beneficios de la digitalización para optimizar sus recursos? El proyecto europeo “Smart Cities and Communities, REMOURBAN” nace con la idea de ofrecer a los entornos urbanos un conjunto de herramientas prácticas para transformar las ciudades en ecosistemas inteligentes y sostenibles.   Durante estas últimas semanas hemos visto como los principale…

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